ws.checkers.WikilinkChecker module

class ws.checkers.WikilinkChecker.WikilinkChecker(api, db, **kwargs)

Bases: ws.checkers.CheckerBase.CheckerBase


  • all titles are case-insensitive on the first letter (true on ArchWiki)

  • alternative text is intentional, no replacements there

skip_templates = ['accuracy', 'archive', 'bad translation', 'expansion', 'laptop style', 'merge', 'move', 'out of date', 'remove', 'stub', 'style', 'translateme']
check_trivial(wikilink, title)

Perform trivial simplification, replace [[Foo|foo]] with [[foo]].

  • wikilink – instance of mwparserfromhell.nodes.wikilink.Wikilink representing the link to be checked

  • title (mw.parser_helpers.title.Title) – the parsed wikilink.title

check_relative(src_title, wikilink, title)

Use relative links whenever possible. For example, links to sections such as [[Foo#Bar]] on a page title are replaced with [[#Bar]] whenever Foo redirects to or is equivalent to title.

check_redirect_exact(src_title, wikilink, title)

Replace [[foo|bar]] with [[bar]] if foo and bar point to the same page after resolving redirects.

check_redirect_capitalization(wikilink, title)

Avoid redirect iff the difference is only in capitalization.

check_displaytitle(wikilink, title)
check_anchor(src_title, wikilink, title)

True if the anchor is correct or has been corrected, False if it is definitely broken, None if it can’t be checked at all or the check was indecisive and a warning/error has been printed to the log.


Strip whitespace around the pipe in wikilinks.


wikilink – instance of mwparserfromhell.nodes.wikilink.Wikilink representing the link to be checked

collapse_whitespace(wikicode, wikilink)

Attempt to fix spacing around wiki links after the substitutions.

  • wikicode – instance of mwparserfromhell.wikicode.Wikicode containing the wikilink

  • wikilink – instance of mwparserfromhell.nodes.wikilink.Wikilink representing the link to be checked

handle_node(src_title, wikicode, node, summary_parts)